Impact of Perfect Drug Adherence on Immunopathogenic Mechanism for Dynamical System of Psoriasis


  • Priti Kumar Roy Jadavpur University
  • Abhirup Datta Jadavpur University



T-Cells, Dendritic Cells, CD8 T-Cells, Keratinocytes, MHC, pMHC, T-Cells Receptor, Dermis, Epidermis, Lymphocytes, Monocytes, Neutrophils, Cytokines, Drug Efficacy.


Psoriasis is a frequent autoimmune chronic skin disease differentiated by T-Cells agreeable hyperproliferation of epidermal Keratinocytes. The feature of TCells held up Psoriatic scratches is the epidermal penetration of basically oligoclonal CD8+ T-Cells and also of CD4+ T-Cells in the dermis. Psoriatic lesions are sharply distinguished, red and enlarged scratches together with whitish silver scales. In this research article, we propose a mathematical depiction for Psoriasis, involving a set of differential equations, regarding T-Cells, Dendritic Cells, CD8+ T-Cells and epidermal Keratinocytes. Here, we specially introduce the interaction between Dendritic Cells and CD8+ T-Cells to monitor the impact of this interaction upon the system dynamics. We also analyze the mathematical model both in presence and absence of effectiveness of two drugs. We study the system analytically and numerically to comprehend the significance of effectiveness of the drugs, integrated in the model system. Here, we reduce the Keratinocyte population to restrict Psoriasis by applying the combination of two drugs and able to enlighten the perspective of the disease dynamics for Psoriasis.

Author Biographies

Priti Kumar Roy, Jadavpur University

Associate Professor

Centre for Mathematical Biology and Ecology

Department of Mathematics

Jadavpur University


Abhirup Datta, Jadavpur University

Research Fellow

Centre for Mathematical Biology and Ecology

Department of Mathematics

Jadavpur University







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