Mathematical modeling on bacterial isolates for dierent concentrations of hexavelant chromium


  • Sandra Patricia Hidalgo-Bonilla* Universidad de InvestigaciГіn de TecnologГ­a Experimental Yachay-Yachay Tech
  • Jhonatan Pinta-Melo
  • Deisy Lorena Guerrero Ceballos
  • Edith Mariela Burbano-Rosero
  • Miller Cerón Gómez
  • Eduardo Ibargüen-Mondragón
  • Eddy Patricia López Molano


Microorganisms are the most abundant and diverse living beings on theВ planet, within this group, are the bacteria. There are several factors controllingВ abundance and bacterial growth such that the decient or excessive concentrationВ of certain elements such as heavy metals (HM), the most essential forВ bacterial growth. However, high concentrations of these metals can be highlyВ toxic. One of the HM with the greatest impact on the environment is Chromium,В which is commonly found in the form of chromates, dichromate, oxides and sulfates; In this sense, hexavalent chromium (Cr (VI)) is a highly toxic agent, which can be reduced by the environment to less toxic forms (Cr (III)), but when the metal levels exceed the capacity of reduction can become a pollutant, directly affecting the abundance and normal growth of bacteria associated with environments contaminated with this metal. The eect of dierent concentrations of Cr(VI) on the bacteria population growth of wild type, isolated from the euents contaminated with this metal is not completely known. In this context,В the present study focuses on evaluating the eect of dierent concentrations ofВ chromium in the bacteria population isolated from wastewater in order to generate indicative data that establish the response of the bacteria population inВ relation to chromium concentrations.


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