Message from the Editors


  • Svetoslav Marinov Markov Bulgarian Academy of Sciences



“Biomath Communications” publishes research articles, reviews, open problems and recent advances, news and announcements related to the field of Biomathematics, abstracts of presentations at the International Conference series Biomath, etc. “Biomath Communications” is a biannual periodical published twice a year (in June and December) by “Biomath Forum”.

The present first issue is mainly devoted to the Biomath 2014 international conference on bio-mathematical sciences 22--27 June 2014 in Sofia: presents two original research articles by some of the keynote speakers and useful information about the meeting (abstracts, list of participants, etc.).

Over 90 participants from over 20 different countries all over the world have registered for the Biomath 2014 conference, over 30 among these are young scholars. The School for young scientists (SYS) is integrated with the conference. To this end the plenary and keynote lecturers are presenting their lectures in a suitable for the broad audience form and in particular for the SYS participants. Also the presentations by the SYS participants are assessed both by their peers and a jury and are awarded accordingly.

The present 5th edition of the Biomath conference series has been supported by the American NSF and the South African RNF, which provided support for young scholars from USA and RSA. The conference is also supported by the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and ScienceВ and several institutes of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, which marks this year the 145 anniversary of its constitution. Several academic publishers also supported the meeting (Elsevier, Taylor & Francis, Springer).

All participants of the BIOMATH 2014 are invited to submit original research articles either to Journal “BIOMATH” or to Journal “Mathematics and Computers in Simulation” , or to this journal, for more details see:

The four past Biomath conferences resulted in a great number of publications: a total number of 116 original research articles, half of them in the prestigious Elsevier journal “Computers and Mathematics with Applications”. A detailed information with a list titles of these articles is given at the end of the present issue. In the online version of the issue the list of titles of these articles is given with active links to the actual articles.

The editorial team





